Monday, August 4, 2014

More Summer Adventures!

Many of us have been very busy, enjoying our summer! Here are a few students and what they have been up to. If you would like to share what you have been up to, please make sure to email me

SADIE: "Our summer didn't start out the greatest. Sadie goes to camp sunshine and recently broke her collarbone while playing on the playground. She's now doing much better. Our summer has consisted of family get together's, camping, swimming, tubing. Lots of day trips. Overall just a great summer and Sadie is looking forward to 1st grade."

THOMAS: "Thomas and his family are enjoying every moment of summer. He has been to golf camp, art camp and Old Orchard Beach Maine. He's visited with his cousins from Virginia and his cousins that live nearby. He learned to ride a bike with no training wheels and went underwater in the ocean for the first time!! He's lost one of his top front teeth and the other one is ready to come out too!"

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