Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week of January 25, 2021

 Can you believe tomorrow will be February already? It's hard to believe just how quickly January flew by. It was really nice to have a full week with students this week. We haven't been together a full week since the first week of January. This week we enjoyed several days outside with temperatures reaching the low 30s. Monday and Friday were our coldest days. On Friday we were only able to tolerate being outside for a combined 20 minutes. Midweek the snow was in perfect condition for making snowballs. After having an honest and open conversation about snowball throwing, the group felt they could handle themselves appropriately enough to have a snowball fight. They did fantastically! I haven't laughed that much in a long time. While no "teaming" was allowed and it was every child for themselves, I clearly had a target on my back. But don't worry, I was able to hold my own 😉 I didn't tell them that I was sore for two days afterward!

Our new math groups are working really well together. The homework you saw this week was a reflection of the new concepts we are learning in class. Multi-digit addition and rounding will be our focus for a while, as well as multi-digit subtraction. I am gathering informational materials for families to support their children in math at home. If enough families were interested, I would be happy to host a virtual "math night". These have gone really well in the past. It would be a time to meet with me and review the mathematic approaches typical in third-grade. This could provide families with vocabulary and suggested support methods to use with their kiddos. 

Reading and writing continue to go smoothly within our ELA I and II times. Students have been investigating old Hartford photos within their January journals this month. They are looking for clues within the pictures to decide what is happening. When these journals make their way home, be sure to check them out. Some of you might be able to place the photos to locations within Hartford today.  

Ways to spark conversation: 

-Choose any number within 500, and ask your child to round to the nearest 10 or 100. Have them explain their thinking. 

-What adventures did you take in the woods this week? Tell me about the ice.

-How was the snowball fight? What made it successful?

-What is Kahoot and what did you do with it on Friday?

Pictures from the week:

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