Sunday, February 14, 2021

Week of February 8th, 2021

 This week we were completely immersed in science! It was a great change for us all and allowed us to think deeply about the animals and environment around us and how much has changed over time. When looking in your child's Friday Folder, be sure to take a closer look at all of the investigations we completed. There is an accompanying paper that provides families with prompts you can use to start science conversations with your kiddo. They should be able to answer each question listed with evidence and knowledge from our investigations. 

At the beginning of the week, we focused on fossils and how they provide clues to what the habitats were a long time ago as well as what animals could have lived there. Next, we looked at animals today and how humans have created different breeds within the same species. We discussed the importance of selection (choose a trait to reproduce over a long period of time) and how selection can happen with or without human involvement. We finished the week looking at mosquitoes and their life cycle. By looking closing at one organism, students recognized when an environment changes (such as more rain one season followed by hot weather) the organisms within that environment also change in order to survive. When we return we will look at how our environment can change our physical traits. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful February vacation this week. Stay safe, get outside, enjoy some much-needed downtime, and don't forget to continue reading! 

Here are some pictures from the week as well as questions to spark conversation:

Looking at similarities among different fossils to predict what habitat these animals live in

The sun was a wonderful sight this week

Building snow towers

We were able to have PE in the gym for the first time this school year!

Trudging through the newly-fallen snow

Playing "500" in the deep snow

Soccer has become an important part of our afternoons together

Even when it's 5 degrees, we find ways to get outside and move around

Science questions to spark conversation (these are the same as the ones that came home Friday):

Fossil Dig:

  • What are fossils?

  • What can fossils tell us about the world?

  • How have landforms changed over time?

  • What is a habitat? What is a trait?

Watery Cave & See-Think-Wonder Chart:

  • Tell me about what was found in the watery cave.

  • How did those things get in the cave?

  • Has there always been water in the cave? How can you know for sure?

  • What kind of skull was it? How do you know it was not a reptile’s skull? How can this skull tell you what kind of food it ate?

  • After completing some science mysteries, how did your observations of the cave findings change?

What Do These Familiar Animals Eat:

  • What is an herbivore? Carnivore? Omnivore?

  • How can you tell what type of food the animal eats?

  • How do you know if it is a mammal or reptile skull?

Designer Dogs:

  • What is selection? Why do humans use selection?

  • Where did the first dogs originate?

  • What is a species? What is a breed?

  • If you could design your own animal, what two species would you use?

Adopt a Lizard:

  • Why are sticky toe scales important to green anoles?

  • How many sticky toe scales did you have? Did you survive in the invasion of brown anoles?

  • Can selection happen without humans? How?

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