Saturday, October 31, 2020

Week of October 26

 This week we had some of the lowest morning temperatures of the season and the sun only showed itself on two of our days. The third graders continued to show their grit and resiliency during it all. The one morning we did begin inside, many students continuously asked when we could get outside. They even chose to have PE in the rain rather than in the indoor classroom. This week students were challenged to build a scarecrow by themselves or in teams of two. They designed the scarecrows, made material lists, and used a lot of creativity to build their final products. Thank you to everyone who helped their kiddo with materials from home this past week. Many kiddos used items they found outside as well. In writing, we focused on how to write a structured paragraph to include an introductory sentence, followed by three supporting details and a conclusion. In math, we continued to solidify our knowledge of addition and subtraction within 1,000. With a slight schedule modification, students are now able to have 60-minutes of ELA time each morning. This allows all students to participate in a reading group and writing group each day. 

Quick Reminders: 

Monday, November 2nd, Half-Day Schedule: Dismissal will run from 12:15-12:45. 

Nov. 2 & Nov. 3, Parent-Teacher Conferences: You should have received an email confirmation with Google Meet code. If you did not, please email me. 

Tuesday, Nov. 3: No School for students

Here are some questions to spark conversation:

-What was the most challenging thing about building your scarecrow?

-If you could have changed your design in some way, how would you have changed it?

-What was so special about the "Firewood Forest"?

*Game to Play: Roll 10 dice, have your child add them up quickly. Students should look for easy groupings of 10 as a strategy to help them find the sum

Here is a link to our October Forest Poetry video, in case you haven't had a chance to view it yet:

Here are some pictures from the week:

This student saved up her Otter points to cash in for fire starter for the day. She did an excellent job!

Reading Groups are one of the many reasons we choose to be outside. If we were inside, students would not be able to move around and mix up their groupings. 

Experimenting with the use of balances and levees became a highlight of exploration time this week. 

On Friday, we were able to have our annual Unity Day parade around the school. It was the first time DBS was able to be together safely and it felt wonderful!

We found a new space in the woods on Friday! Firewood Forest

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