Thursday, April 10, 2014

Loving Every Minute of First Grade!

I could not be any prouder of my first graders than I am this week. They have been working so incredibly hard on their narrative writing! Each one of them began by creating a Story Map, outlining their plan, building their characters and creating their setting. From there, students wrote, revised, edited and rewrote their stories, each time making it stronger than the last. Much of this work required a lot of independence and self-motivation. This is where they completely blew me away and I truly love every minute I get to work with them. In addition to the writing, each student created a fictional character and a digital background to show where their stories were taking place. They truly are ROCK STAR students! Currently, each student is working on completing their final written draft as well as a typed-draft. We're hoping to create a digital audio book after vacation in which all of their stories can be showcased for you to see!

To top off this week, we also continued our focus of the moon. Each student will be bringing home a moon book they created. Inside the book, you will find each phase of the moon created by your child. They are getting really good at identifying each phase of the moon (even correcting me from time to time when I get waxing vs. waning confused). They will have a chance to see a Lunar Eclipse as well as a Full Moon over break! I'm hoping a few will be able to see them.

Lastly, I hope everyone has a wonderful April vacation. Can you believe we only have ~8 more school weeks left of this year? Where did the time go?


  1. Hey, I always thought the moon was made out of green cheese!!!
    I was cheated out of my Oreos!!!!
    Pierce announced the waxing gibbous moon phase when we pulled into the driveway yesterday. Good job Mrs. Raney!!

  2. Can't wait to read the narratives!
